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  Function            getdatehk - inputs a date from the keyboard

  Syntax              char *getdatehk(void);

  Prototype in        keyboard.h

  Remarks             getdatehk inputs a date from the keyboard in the
                      form xx-xx-xx. Only digits, space and backspace are
                      valid input. Input is terminated when the ENTER key
                      is pressed. Video output is via Borland's console

  Return value        if a valid date is entered, getdatehk returns a
                      string in the form xx-xx-xx, otherwise NULL is

  Example             #include <keyboard.h>
                      #include <stdio.h>
                           char *c;

                           printf("What is today's date: ");
                           if ((c = getdatehk()) != NULL)
                                printf("Today is %s\n",c);

  Program output      What is today's date: 11-10-87
                      Today is 11-10-87

See Also: getget()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson